
Can my employer cancel approved annual leave?


Imagine you have booked annual leave, paid for flights for your holiday, and then received notice from your employer that they are cancelling your approved leave. One Australian worker recently went viral after a message exchange between him and his boss was shared online detailing this…

Can I work on Australia Day instead of taking the public holiday?


Some employers are giving their employees the choice to work on January 26 this year, despite the Australia Day public holiday. Big names such as Woolworth, Telstra, Deloitte and Wesfarmers, the federal government and some state governments are offering employees another day off in exchange for…

Is downloading confidential work documents on personal devices grounds for dismissal?


With the rise of remote working arrangements, the ability to keep confidential or sensitive company files secure is a new challenge for employers and their workers to navigate. Many employees now work from their living rooms and kitchen tables using both devices provided by their employer…

What is disability discrimination in the workplace?


The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) provides a broad definition of disability as including physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological and learning disabilities that may be temporary or permanent, current or previously existing, visible or invisible. Disability discrimination happens when people with a disability are treated less…

Violence in the workplace comes in many forms


Workplace violence can include aggressive gestures or expressions, verbal abuse, intimidating physical behaviour and physical assault at the workplace or while working. None of these actions are okay and can harm an employee’s physical and mental well-being.     All employees have a right to feel safe at…

One month until sunsetting of zombie agreements


Pre-2010 workplace agreements or “zombie” agreements will automatically terminate (or “sunset”) on 7 December 2023 unless an extension is granted by the Fair Work Commission (FWC). The exact number of zombie agreements is unknown, but there are still hundreds estimated to be in existence, so their…